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Deliver Lightning Fast Web Experience With Next-Gen Animations And Images


Today's internet users expect lightning-fast page loads and seamless website performance. Research shows that even a delay of a few seconds can lead visitors to abandon a site and move elsewhere. This is where tools like Lighthouse come in.

Lighthouse is an open-source auditing tool by Google that analyzes web apps and pages to identify opportunities for improvement. It examines performance, accessibility, SEO, and more, assigning a score for each category. One of the critical metrics Lighthouse examines is page load speed. It measures how long a page takes to become interactive and fully loaded.

Google Lighthouse

Lighthouse page load scores shed light on the user experience you are delivering. Pages that load slowly frustrate users, hurting your conversions and user engagement. Slow load times also negatively impact search engine rankings. With page experience becoming a ranking factor, you need fast page speeds for optimal SEO.

The good news is that there are ways to dramatically improve page load times through next-generation animations and image formats. With the right optimizations, you can deliver lightning-fast experiences that wow your visitors.

Here's a super tip to check website performance score using Google Chrome Lighthouse:

  • Open Google Chrome (Or Any Chromium Based Web Browser): Make sure you have Google Chrome installed on your computer.
  • Go to the website you want to check: Open the website you want to check in Google Chrome.
  • Open Developer Tools: Right-click anywhere on the webpage and select "Inspect" from the dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Option+I on a Mac) or just F12.
  • Open Lighthouse: Click on the "Lighthouse" tab in the Developer Tools panel.
  • Run the audit: Select Mode, Default - Device, Mobile or Desktop - Categories, As you desire - Click 'Analyze page load'.
  • Review the report: Once the audit is completed, you will see a report with various scores and recommendations for improving your website's performance, accessibility, best practices, SEO, and more.

That's it! You have now checked your website's score using Google Chrome Lighthouse. You can use this information to improve your website's performance.

The Effect of Page Load on User Acquisition and SERP

Studies consistently show that longer page load times lead to higher bounce rates and decreased user engagement.A slow website can harm user acquisition and search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

When a page takes too long, visitors click away and move to another site rather than wait. One study found that a 1-second delay in page load time reduced page views by 11%, while a 10-second delay led to a 90% loss in page views. Slow load times can drastically hurt your ability to retain and engage users.

Page load speed also directly impacts your organic search rankings and overall SEO results. Search engines like Google actively monitor site speed as a ranking factor. Faster sites are rewarded with better rankings, as Google wants to provide users with the best, quickest loading results.

A demonstrated correlation exists between improved page load times and higher search engine rankings. For example, sites that improved load times from 3+ seconds to under 1.5 seconds saw an average of 15% increase in organic traffic. The impact of site speed optimization can be massive for both user experience and SEO.

By delivering lightning-fast page loads, you will improve user engagement metrics like bounce rates while boosting your organic rankings and visibility. There is a clear incentive to optimize for speed, as it provides a substantial uplift for user acquisition and SEO performance.

The Benefits of Lottie Animations and WebP Images

Lottie Animations

Lottie Animation Logo

Lottie is a new open-source animation file format that allows designers to export animations from After Effects as small, high-quality JSON files (JSON is extended from JavaScript) rather than large video or GIF files (Graphics Interchange Format). Lottie uses vector shapes and mathematical curves to describe an animation's movement rather than raster images or video frames. Lottie animations can scale to any size and maintain smooth playback without consuming a lot of bandwidth.

Advantages of Lottie

Lottie offers several critical advantages over traditional animation formats:

  • Much smaller file sizes than GIFs or videos, leading to faster page loads
  • Smoother playback than GIFs, which are limited to 256 colors
  • More control for designers to adjust animation timing and playback
  • Works across platforms including web, iOS, and Android
  • Integrates with code for interactive triggers and playback

One of the biggest benefits is the small file size, with Lottie animations using up to 80% less bandwidth than an equivalent GIF or video file.

Lottie Use Cases

Some examples of how Lottie can be used:

  • Scroll animations - animate elements as user scrolls
  • Microinteractions - dialogs, toggles, page loaders
  • Interactive infographics
  • Animated illustrations
  • Responsive UI effects

Lottie enables smooth and lightweight animations on the web!

WebP Images

Webp (pronounced web-pee) is an image format developed by Google to provide efficient compression and high image quality. It uses lossy and lossless compression techniques to reduce file size, making it ideal for web use. Webp files are typically smaller than JPEG or PNG files without significant loss in image quality. It also supports transparency and animation, making it a versatile option for various types of content. Webp balances file size and image quality, making it a popular choice for web developers and users looking for faster page load times.

Webp Logo

Benefits Of WebP Over Other Conventional Image Formats

WebP supports animated images, transparency, ICC color profiles, and metadata. This makes it an ideal choice for optimizing websites and improving overall performance. Below are some critical points about WebP:

  • WebP is a next-generation image format
  • It uses superior lossless and lossy compression
  • WebP creates much smaller image file sizes compared to JPG or PNG
  • It was designed by Google to enhance web page performance
  • WebP can reduce image sizes by 25-35% without any loss in visual quality
  • The compression algorithms of WebP enable smaller file sizes
  • Smaller file sizes lead to much faster page load times
  • WebP supports both lossless and lossy compression
  • It also supports animated images, transparency, ICC color profiles, and metadata
  • WebP is an ideal image format for optimizing websites
  • Switching existing PNG/JPG images to WebP can significantly boost page load speeds
  • By utilizing WebP, web development companies can significantly improve the performance of their websites by delivering high-quality, optimized images that load quickly and enhance user experience.

Implementing Lottie in Your Code

Lottie is an open-source library that allows developers to easily add animations in JSON format to the web. Compared to traditional GIF/video formats, Lottie animations are very lightweight. Lottie can be implemented via HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Here are some ways to add Lottie animations to your website -

HTML Implementation

You can add a Lottie animation in HTML using the `<lottie-player>` tag.

First, Add these in your <head>

<!--Lottie Player-->
<script src=""></script>

Now, Use Lottie animation using the below code in your <body>

<lottie-player src="../path/to/your/lottie/file/example.json" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;" autoplay></lottie-player>

Set the `src` attribute to point to your JSON file. You can control properties like speed, autoplay, loop, etc.

HTML implementation is the easiest and fastest method to start using Lottie animations on your website.

CSS Implementation

To embed a Lottie animation via CSS, you need to use the `animation-name` property:

@keyframes example {
0% {
background-position: 0% 50%;
100% {
background-position: 100% 50%;
.element {
animation-name: example;
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-direction: alternate;

Set the `animation-name` to match your JSON file and control properties like `duration` and `iteration`.

JavaScript Implementation

You can programmatically load and control a Lottie animation in JS:

let animation = lottie.loadAnimation({
container: document.getElementById('lottie'), // element to render in
path: 'animation.json', // path to json
renderer: 'svg', // render as SVG
loop: true,
autoplay: true

This allows you to play/pause, set speeds, loop, and attach events to your Lottie animations.

Serving WebP Images Instead of PNG and JPG

WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Developed by Google, WebP images can be substantially smaller than PNG or JPG images with no loss in quality.

Some key benefits of using WebP instead of PNG/JPG include:

  • Much better compression, resulting in faster page loads. WebP images can be 25-35% smaller than PNG/JPGs.
  • Lossless compression options so images don't lose quality.
  • Support for transparency and animations.
  • Consistent quality - WebP tweaks compression for different image types.

To serve WebP images automatically instead of standard PNG/JPEGs, configuring your web server using Nginx or Apache is the best option. The upcoming section provides a clear tutorial on serving WebP images for your existing PNGs/JPeGs.


You can use the mod_rewrite module in Apache to detect browser support for WebP and serve the WebP images instead of JPG/PNG.

If you are unfamiliar with the .htaccess file and Apache Configuration, don't do anything reckless; changing the .htaccess file without knowing what you are doing may break your website. (500 Internal Server Error)

Add this to your `.htaccess` file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%1.webp -f
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$ $1.webp [L,T=image/webp,E=accept:1]
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$">
Header append Vary Accept

This checks if the browser supports WebP, and if so, checks for WebP files with the same name and directory as your PNG/JPG files. Finally, if WebP images are in the same folder, serve them instead of PNG/JPG. This rewrite rule is so cool that if no webp files are found, it serves the original PNG/JPG file. Remember to rename your files accordingly e.g. For myimage.png -> myimage.webp.

Line By Line Explanation Of The Rule

  • RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
    This line checks if the request URI matches the regular expression pattern `^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$`, which matches any URI ending with .jpg, .jpeg, or .png.

  • RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$
    This line checks if the request URI matches the regular expression pattern `^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$`, which matches any URI ending with .jpg, .jpeg, or .png.

  • RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%1.webp -f
    This line checks if a file with the same name as the requested URI but with the .webp extension exists in the document root directory. This is used to check if a WebP version of the image exists.

  • RewriteRule ^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$ $1.webp [L,T=image/webp,E=accept:1]
    This line is the rewrite rule. If all previous conditions are met, it rewrites the request URL to append the .webp extension and sets the environment variable `accept` to 1. The `L` flag indicates that this is the last rule to apply for the current request. The `T` flag sets the MIME type of the response to `image/webp`.

  • <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    This line checks if the `mod_headers` module is enabled in Apache.

  • <FilesMatch "\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$">
    This line sets the scope of the following directives to be applied only to files with extensions .png, .gif, .jpeg, or .jpg.

  • Header append Vary Accept
    This line appends the `Vary: Accept` header to the response. This informs caching systems that the response should vary based on the `Accept` header, indicating that different content might be served based on the client's capability to handle WebP images.

  • </FilesMatch> </IfModule>
    These lines close the respective blocks opened previously and end the .htaccess file.


To enable the serving of WebP images in Nginx, you must have root access to your server. Within your server, you must add a configuration file named webp.conf for your website 'generally' located at /etc/nginx/conf.d/YourWebsite.conf/ and include the following instructions in the file: (Use any text editor, copypasta the code, and save it as web.conf).

map $http_accept $webp_ext {
default "";
"~*webp" ".webp";
map $uri $webp_uri {
"~^(.*)\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$" "$1$webp_ext";

With the above configurations, your server will automatically deliver WebP for their PNG/JPG counterpart images for supported browsers, providing faster load times! This rule follows the same flow as the Apache rule, checks for web images with the same name, and serves them if available.

Optimizing Existing Assets

Converting existing image, animation, and video assets to next-gen formats can further optimize performance. Several tools are available to batch convert images like PNG and JPG to WebP format. One worth mentioning is Google's cwebp command ( You can use the shell command on your server to batch convert all the PNG, JPG, JpeGs, SVGs, and GIFs to WebP. Moreover, more advanced users can leverage the amalgamation of Python and cwebp to convert the images systematically.

For animations and videos, using the open-source LottieFiles ( converter is an easy way to generate Lottie JSON files. It supports importing from After Effects, GIF, SVG, and MP4 files.

The key is to convert assets ahead of time as part of a performance-focused build process. This ensures the optimized WebP and Lottie files are served to users automatically without any extra work.

Real World Results Of Lottie And WebP Implementation

Companies across industries have seen impressive gains by implementing Lottie animations and WebP images. Here are some real-world examples (*Source: the fantastic World Wide Web):

  • By converting their animation and banner images to WebP format, reduced page load times by 500ms, which resulted in a 12% increase in conversions.

  • Educators Pay Teachers switched to Lottie for their interactive animations. The animations now load 3x faster, improving user engagement. Page views increased by 8% the very next day.

  • Food delivery service GoPuff used Lottie animations combined with lazy image loading. This decreased load times by 2.5 seconds and boosted conversions by 5.7%.

  • Interior design site Modsy integrated Lottie animations on its product configurator. Load times were reduced from 8 seconds to 2 seconds, and bounce rates were lowered by 7% as customers could preview designs faster.

  • Nonprofit site CharityWater saw donations increase by 15% after implementing WebP images. The improved page speeds provided a better user experience.

  • News site Vox Media's pages load much faster after converting to WebP formats, improving ad viewability.

The results clearly show that Lottie and WebP can provide significant business impacts. Companies have been able to boost conversions, engagement, and revenues just by making this one web performance optimization.

Some Implementation Tips Around The Internet

When implementing animations and images, follow these best practices:

  • Use optimization tools - Take advantage of image compression tools available around the web. This can significantly reduce file sizes without sacrificing quality.

  • Limit unnecessary complexity - Stick to simple, clean animation and image assets. The more complex the asset, the larger the file size. Prioritize animations and images that convey information clearly without extra "fluff."

  • Lazy load offscreen assets - Use lazy loading techniques to load assets only as they become visible on the page. This avoids loading everything upfront and improves initial page load. You can use lazyload attribute for image sources in your HTML

  • Utilize caching - Set proper headers so animations and images are cached locally after the initial load. This prevents having to re-download assets on subsequent visits.

  • Employ code minification - Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files to remove unnecessary characters and whitespace. Minified code downloads faster. Invest your time drawing out critical CSS and define it in your of the HTML.

  • Load critical assets first - Load the most essential animations and images earlier in the page load. Defer less critical investments that will be soon seen.

  • Check performance regularly - Monitor page load times and asset sizes over time. Continuously refine animations and images to keep pages fast.

Following performance best practices will ensure buttery smooth animations and lightning-fast load times. Let optimization become an integral part of your website development workflow. P.S. WordPress development can leverage powerful optimization plugins to complete the above tasks in a single click. Search around the web to scrape more information.

Troubleshooting Some Typical Issues During Lottie & WebP Implementation

When implementing animations and images, follow these best practices:

Lottie Animation Not Displaying

  • Check that the JSON file path is correct and that the file has been uploaded to your server.

  • Verify the JSON file is valid by running it through a validator.

  • Make sure the container elements like `<div>` have the correct CSS styling applied.

  • Use browser Developer Tools to debug for any errors loading the animation.

Lottie Looks Pixelated or Low Quality

  • Try increasing the size of the animation container to improve quality.

  • Verify you use a high-resolution source file and that the animation frames render cleanly.

  • Resize the animation programmatically by setting the properties of `width` and `height.`

WebP Images Not Loading

  • Double-check that the server is configured correctly to serve WebP images.

  • Double-check the integerity of webp files and any conversion error.

  • Verify image paths are correct and the WebP file extensions match the URLs.

WebP Images Appear Broken

  • Test the WebP images in multiple browsers, as browser support can vary.

  • Re-export or re-convert the WebP files in case the images are corrupted.

  • Ensure any image transformations like resizing or effects are web-compatible.

  • Double-check for misspelled URLs or incorrect file paths being referenced.


Lottie animations and WebP images provide significant opportunities to enhance your website's performance and user experience. As discussed, Lottie enables beautifully smooth animations in small file sizes, while WebP offers superior compression compared to PNGs and JPEGs. By implementing these next-gen formats, you can substantially reduce page load times.

The benefits are clear - faster load times improve user engagement and decrease bounce rates. This directly translates into better user acquisition and higher SEO rankings. While it does require some development work upfront, the long-term payoff is well worth it. Migrating existing assets to WebP and utilizing Lottie for new animations will drastically improve site speed.

Now is the time to evaluate adopting Lottie and WebP. Conduct audits to identify areas for optimization, develop implementation plans, and provide teams with the necessary resources and training. With proper execution, you'll be able to delight users with lightning-fast experiences. Your audiences will appreciate the effort, and your business will reap the rewards of better-performing web properties. Don't leave performance gains on the table. Commit today to delivering next-gen animated and visual experiences. As a leading web development company, web developers at Silicon Valley Infomedia always strive hard to provide website development leveraging the most cutting-edge technologies. Our precedence is your key to success.

About The Author
Ashutosh Rathore

As an SEO executive at Silicon Valley Infomedia, I work on the company's overall website presence on the World Wide Web. I have experience working with HTML, CSS, WordPress, & python. I love writing content on anything that catches my attention.

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